Utsab Vancouver

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UTSAB is a not-for-profit community organization in British Columbia. It aims to practice, discuss and promote Bengali festivities. The majority of UTSAB community are families of South Asian origin and have started a new life in the Lower Mainland. New life brings in new people – next generation of Canadians having Bengali cultural background. UTSAB hence promotes learning and practicing Bengali culture among the youngsters. It adopts modern, scientific and logical approach to the challenges and opportunities of existing Bengali community and help newcomers to integrate with the mainstream society and benefit the members through networking. The organization has its own approved constitution and operational procedure. It refrains from any political affiliation and adheres the purpose of the society on a strict non-political basis.

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  • Cultural Preservation and Promotion
  • Generational Transition and Youth Empowerment
  • Integration and Networking
  • Constitutional Governance and Non-Political Affiliation
  • Community Support and Benefit:

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Utsab Vancouver 1 review

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1 review
  • ishubhra

    An amazing community for Bengali people to celebrate Bengali festives. people are like family and care for each other

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Posted 8 months ago
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